Monday, November 17, 2008

Tis the season of the Cold

This time of year brings colder temperatures, warm fires, family gatherings and the sniffles. I am very prone to colds and I need to take extra care when taking medicines. As I sit here with my tissue box, tea with honey and my pink slippers I believe this is a timely topic. If you have food allergies it is important that you read the ingredients on all medicines (also tissues with added lotions) and call the manufacturer. Your immune system is in a weakend state when you are sick and you need to know what works for you or your child.
I have 2 labeled bags (one for home and one in my car) with safe cold medicines and cough/sore throat drops . Of course, when I travel I bring a bag with medicines for almost any ailment with me. Nothing is worse than trying to hunt down a specific medicine at 11pm at night in a strange city while you are sick. Trust me I know!
Homeopathic remedies are also a great addition to the traditional medicines you find on drug store shelves. A simple search on the web will usually yield a great variety of suggestions for home remedies for almost every ailment you can imagine.
The best advice when you have a cold is still get lots of rest and plenty of fluids. I have chicken soup and bread in my freezer that I keep on hand for when I get sick. I can not have most commercially prepared soups, so I make a batch of my own and freeze it in tupperware containers in single servings to pull out as needed.
As with all allergy issues being prepared ahead of time is always best. I hope these tips will help make the cold and flu season a bit easier to manage!


Lucinda said...

Patsy! I LOVE that you are blogging. I e-mailed you several months ago about the liberties I take with your sugar cookie mix, like turning them into snickerdoodles, adding almond flavoring.... Anyway, thanks for your products. I recommend them to all the food allergic people I meet!

Unknown said...

Patsy, glad to read your blog. Thanks for discounting online orders of CBK till the end of the year! That's a great gift!

BTW, we always (always) keep CBK cake mixes on hand. It's a pantry staple with food allergic kids!

Unknown said...

Cherrybrook Kitchen is a life-saver in my house. My son has milk/dairy, egg and nut allergies also. Now that we can make cookies and cakes "like the rest of the kids have" he is one happy little guy, and so are we! He loves everything, especially the chocolate chip muffins. We make them every few days because he gobbles them up! And, we have a whole cabinet full of your products on hand, just in case.
I also noticed that we are neighbors, maybe we can get every store in our area to carry more CBK and other allergy-free products. Keep up the good work, and thank you so much!

Anonymous said...

Hi Patsy! It's great to see you blogging - I LOOOVE your products - my daughter is egg and nut allergic, so we make our own cupcakes to bring to every party - that's a lot of cupcakes! You make it simple and easy. Ever think about quick bread mixes, like banana or coffee cake?

PurpleAspergersgirl said...


I am glad to read your blog.

I enjoy eating CBK products since they are so tasty.

-Jenn B.

Menueys said...

When nursing my daughter, we found out quickly that she reacted to proteins in foods I ate via breastmilk (non-IgE allergies). I was having a hard time coping with limiting my diet so drastically - especially with not being able to easily identify which proteins were her allergens. I was thankful for Cherrybrook's baking mixes as I knew they at least fit into the profile of the foods I was avoiding. Sadly, we never identified all her allergens and I stopped nursing her - she went on an elemental formula. I'm praying that our son, due in Feb, will have fewer allergies. But I'm so thankful to know that there are safe foods for me to enjoy in case I do end up eliminating in order to breastfeed him. Thanks for all you do! (I also hope I'm one of the first 20 comments so I can receive a free coupon :) )

cookingqueen said...

This is great Patsy!
I met you a few years ago at an allergy support group and loved hearing your story!
I am so happy that there is so much for my son to choose from now, thanks to your line!!

Anonymous said...

Thanks for blogging! It gives me a chance to say thanks for all of your fantastic products. Finally, I can make treats for my son's class and everyone loves them! He's allergic to peanuts, tree nuts, eggs, and sesame. My family and extended family love your products. Everyone asks for my "special" cake at family parties! I even figured out how to use the vanilla cake mix to make a boston cream pie for my Dad's birthday! Keep up the great work!

stef42678 said...

I am so glad you have a new blog, and I would love to win one of your cake mixes! When the weather gets cold, I love to bake up some delicious CBK cakes!

Unknown said...

I have two daughters, 13 and 10, who have multiple food allergies -- one to dairy and peanut and one to dairy, peanut and egg. For years I have gotten by with lots of scratch cakes and baked goods, and although my kids liked them, they rarely passed the non--allergic kid test. Last year, my younger daughter's teacher sent me some info about your Web site. Your products have made a real difference for our family, not only because they are easy for me to make with the girls, but before they taste so good and can be enjoyed by friends and family. This Thanksgiving, one of the things I am thankful for is Cherrybrook Kitchen. Thank you!

Cherrybrook Kitchen said...

KOL left this comment that I accidently deleted. KOL, please send me your email address so I can send a coupon.

Some of the things we are thankful for this holiday season are the ever expanding tasty gluten free items we have to choose from. Thank you!

Cherrybrook Kitchen said...

STACEY left this comment that I accidently deleted. STACEY, please email me so I can send you a coupon.

WE LOVE the sugar cookies!! Thank you so much. I cannot tell you how many preschool activities involve frosting cookies and now my oldest can frost a regular sugar cookie instead of the only eggless cookie I know how to make - oatmeal choc chip - kind of hard to decorate!